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What is a Tubular Jar?

A Tubular Jar is a type of mechanical jar used particularly during operations where there is a potential for debris ingress that may prevent critical jar manipulation. It performs the same function as the Spang Jar, but with a key difference: the Tubular Jar has holes in its body that allow fluid bypass. In situations where a Link Jar might lock up or buckle at full stroke in a tubing with debris, a Tubular Jar could allow the debris to pass through it and still manage to jar the tool string.


  • Used during fishing operations where there may be the potential for wire or debris ingress.
  • Swabbing operations to bear the high loading or in large ID well bores where mechanical type Spang jars are prone to scissoring.

Key Features & Benefits

  • Increased mass above the jar rod reduces the amount of stem required above, which ultimately amount of stem required above, which ultimately reduces the tool string length.
  • Available in a variety of sizes to suit requirements.